Tuesday, June 26, 2007

5 Spots Not 5 Stars

Seattle was a whirlwind! We got so much done but I could have done with some more time to catch up with a few people I missed.

I’ll do my Oscar speech first…. thanks to Barry, Steven, Gabby, Gary & Boom Boom for an awesome day at the Freemont fair, Bret & Jenn for a great night out in Ballard, Adam for being so excited when we walked into the High Dive even after missing the bands set by 5 minutes, Barb and Sophia for entertaining us in grand style at their respective houses despite being heavily pregnant, Bret for organizing a final drink at the Red Door on the day before I left, Chris for making the drink at the Red Door even though you were on call, Margie, Dave, Mark & Laura for making time to catch up in the middle of a busy week, Lee, Luke, Grey & Nora for sharing your awesome home with us, Jeff P for your understanding of my busy week (it was great to see you on Friday) and Rohan, Jackie & Gaelle for introducing Luka to the high-chair! I will leave Kelly to thank her family for all the fun. Every Oscar speech has to thank God, so I will say my blessed thanks for Paseo’s Cuban Roast (formerly Midnight Cuban) sandwich and black beans and rice, the blue cheese & bacon burger at Red Mill and the ability to expense a sushi extravaganza at Wasabi.

The few regrets – Patty P I am very very bummed I missed you (although it was a great consolation to see Katie and Hank), Jeff L I didn’t make it over your way but will see you in Oz soon and to the Dybwad at Other Coast …next year we have an appointment.

photo courtesy of Lee Wierdsma (you have to do credits with these Getty Images people)
Luca getting into the Seattle spirit in his Sonic Boom shirt in Q.Anne

Seattle is awesome, but would be much less so without all of our friends – so if you would all kindly move to Australia it would be much easier for Kelly and I.

As perfect as I think I am, two stories from Seattle that prove I am a ruse… I drove from Olympia to Seattle with the hand brake on in the rental car and stuffed the brake so badly we were unable to park on any sort of incline the rest of the time in Seattle … I brought a new driver from Puetz Golf and being smart asked them to pack it in a box to stop it being damaged when it was loaded on the flying kangaroo, five days after purchasing the club and four hours before I was due to fly out I decided to pack the box with some dirty t-shirts for more protection and upon opening the box realized I had a box, a head cover and no club.

There is so much to remind us of Seattle in 45 Bennett St and I am glad about that. See you next year.