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Amazingly the water is still warm and the sun making regular appearances. It’s Fall in Sydney, the days are shorter, the wind is cooler, the leaves are falling but we’re still at the beach. Have I mentioned how much I love living here? Mark and Luca at Freshie on Sunday. -kelly
I arrived home from Paris on Wednesday morning. Paris is about 30 hours of travel from Sydney, a long long way away. Seeing Mark and Luca was fantastic, I think Luca grew taller while I was gone. He also mastered “Ut-Oh”, officially his first word. He says it and he knows what it means, the funny thing is that is the only word he knows, so he says it over and over and over. While I was gone Mark and Luca had some serious boy time, lots of footy, beer drinking and hanging out in their PJ’s. Mark, being the great dad that he is, taught Luca about gardening, the environment and water conservation. In other words it’s fun to pick up leaves and put them in the compost and watering from the watering can once each day is plenty. Here is apicture of Luca at the garden workbench playing in the buckets and dirt. Seems like someone might have a bit of a green thumb like his grandpa and daddy….-kel