Friday, October 30, 2009

Hot and Cold

10 min after Luca went to bed...

Luca: Daddy, daddy, da...dd...yyyy (yelled very loudly from his room)
Mark: Yes Luca (standing in Luca's room)
Luca: I am hot
Mark: Ok mate we can fix that (removes quilt from Luca's bed)

5 min later...
Luca: Daddy, daddy, da...dd...yyyy (yelled very loudly from his room)
Mark: Yes Luca (standing in Luca's room)
Luca: I am cold
Mark: Ok mate we can fix that (put quilt back on Luca's bed and pretends to turn on Luca's heater)

5 min later...
Luca: Daddy, daddy, da...dd...yyy (yelled very loudly from his room)
Mark: Yes Luca (standing in Luca's room)
Luca: I am hot and cold (said with a very very cheaky smile)

Oh the joys of parenthood! -kel


  1. classic! makes me miss him and his parents...

  2. I hear that from Karen, too, but she calls it menopause!

  3. Cute pictures - Scout looks like she is having a good time
