Friday, March 02, 2007

Oh the joys of living in Australia

Tomorrow I officially end my maternity leave and head back to work. I am off to Romania for a meeting for work and will leave Mark and Luca here in Australia. As I am getting packed to go I am reminded of the top 11 reason I love living in Australia:
1. A foot long lizard recently walked into our back door for a neighborly visit.
2. As we drove home from a fish and chips dinner a small 3 inch lizard clung to the hood of our car. When I got out of the car, I said "welcome to the neighborhood"
3. We have a pool.
4. Words used as work on a regular basis include, here within, whilst, wanker and bloody.
5. Wine, wine and more wine, it's cheap and it's yummy and I seem to take after my mom and aunties and drink quite a bit!
6. There is an amazing view around every corner.
7. I've done so many trips to the "tip" (Aussie for dump) whilst (see #4 I am trying to fit in) building the house, I've actually made friends with the people that work there, last week the woman showed me pictures of her sons wedding and I showed her pictures of Luca.
8. Mothers group. This is a group of woman in my general area who all had babies around the same time as I. We meet at the beach every week for coffee and chat. Instant friends and total fun!
9. Nordstrom now ships to Australia, what more could a girl ask for?
10. The beach is so close to our house that in the morning I can actually smell the salt water.
11. As Auntie Tiffany has pointed out, Luca will have an Aussie accent.

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