Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Today was Luca's first day of Cottage at his new school. Cottage is the pre-school (3 days per week) program at the school where he will attend Kindergarden through year 12. Luca was pretty relaxed, happy that he was wearing a school uniform (all "big" kids wear uniforms to school in Australia), happy with his new big boy backpack and that he got a special breakfast of cinnamon rolls. Scout on the other hand was not so happy, she was insisting on going to big boy school too and having her own special breakfast. She even refused to say goodbye to Luca, to think we have another two years before she starts!

Luca and his best friend Sean both started "big boy" school today.

As we walked into the big school, I was a little misty, he is growing up so fast. With his hair cut and his total confidence I couldn't help but think how fast the last four years have gone. He is growing up into such a fantastic little man, we couldn't be more proud of him. -kel

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