Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Fathers Day

Yes, this is the second holiday I have moved to a more convenient date in the last six months. To be honest, it's a total pain, but at the same time completely necessary. Australia celebrates Fathers day in September, normally cool not an issue, however last year we were in the States on holiday and amongst the fun times I totally forgot. The day passed, we didn't even call Mark's amazing dad, to wish him a happy Father's Day. Sooo....after being reminded once by Mark that I basically skipped the one holiday totally dedicated to him I decided to make good ASAP (certainly before Mother's day).

Marks Mom and I planned a surprise day at the beach complete with picnic and presents on Saturday...then Luca got an ear infection (no swimming for a week), ok picnic at the park, play on the toys lots of yummy food....then Saturday morning we woke up to rain, lots of rain (yes, just like halloween)...so we had a surprise Fathers Day picnic in Mark's parents living room.

Mark and his dad were very surprised. It was a totally fun afternoon, not at all what we had planned but fun none the less. Not to worry, this won't happen again, we'll never ever miss fathers day again.

None of this really sounds like high drama, but in reality, it was. Planning a surprise for them was really hard, trying to keep the kids quiet, quickly changing our plans every few days, and even at the last min when Mark's dad showed up at our house about an hour before I was supposed to get the whole family in the car under false pretenses and drive to his house to surprise him!

Every min of drama was totally worth it, when I look back a the last year and the amazing dad Mark has been as well as grandpa and father Mark's dad has been there are no two more deserving dad's out there. From fixing our leaking taps and endless hours of babysitting, building pirate ships and reading princess bedtime stories these two are the absolute best.

Happy Fathers Day Mark and Graham. -kel

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