Thursday, August 23, 2012

Olympic Tribute - Ferguson Style

For most today was just another Thursday, but not for us.  I took the day off work and accompanied Luca and Scout in what was a serious round of sport.  Now both were very inspired by the Olympics and loved watching the various events, today was our Olympics day.

First up Gymnastics with Scout and her lovely nanny Sam.  Gymnastics was a blast, it's fully interactive, so basically like a class for all three of us.  One jump on the trampoline and I realised I was maybe not in as good of shape as I should be.  A few more jumps and I forgot all about it, something tells me I will be remembering tomorrow.  Scout loved every second of it, we jumped, swung, climbed, balanced, crawled, rolled and yes I even did a cartwheel.

After the Gym it was off to the local Oval (track or really a big field that they made into a track) for Luca's Athletics Carnival.  Luca placed 5th in the hundred meter dash, and was thrilled.  I had been coaching him all week to pull a lightening bolt (Usain style) at the end, he "forgot".  Clearly I need to work on my coaching skills.

Two more events, the sack race (have you seen some of the Olympic sports, sack racing may have a chance by the time Luca is old enough to participate in the Olympics) and the Tug-O-War.  Unfortunately the wind picked up to gale force and the Carnival was cut short before the Luca's class got their go at the egg and spoon race.  I was, and it was noted by a few parents, the loudest cheerer in the crowd, again just practicing for the Olympics, you know for the most enthusiastic mom gold medal.

Home for a quick refill (thinking triathlon future) and Luca and I were off to swimming.  This was the first time I have been to Luca's swimming lessons since he screamed the entire time (clearly we have the same lungs, see cheering above).  Luca did fantastic, he is making fantastic progress, he didn't scream once and loved swimming. The Aussies are really in need of some swimming talent, if Luca stops jumping around when the instructor is talking, maybe there is hope?

All up a totally fun day full of some fun sports.  I don't know about the kids, but I am exhausted! -kel

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