Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Seoul, Korea Day 2

Today is my second and final day in Korea. We are on the red-eye back to Sydney tonight. Today I had my first Latte since I left Seattle, it was so yummy and it was from Starbucks. The team here in Seoul loves Starbucks, as a thank you for all of their help, I treated them to coffee at Starbucks this afternoon. It was totally crazy, outside, inside right down to the cups and napkins, it looked just like one of the 1000's of Starbucks in Seattle. Even the light fixtures were the same. Since I left Seattle 9 weeks ago, nothing has seemed more like home to me. I am not a big Starbucks person, and I usually prefer to frequent the smaller local coffee shops, but this was one Seattle icon that I just couldn't pass up.

Last night we went to dinner at a Korean BBQ restaurant, the food was excellent. I really have no idea (other than some of the beef) what we ate (to be honest I don't think I want to know either). All the food was cooked on a plate in front of us, the rice wine was being poured constantly and I woke up hang-over free.

Seoul has been fun, a quick trip with really no time to see much or do anything but work. One quick trip for coffee, dinner out and one 20 min. cab ride has pretty much been all I have seen and unfortunately all I will get to see on this trip. It is freezing cold here, -3 degrees, everyone is bundled up, there is snow on the ground and the Christmas decorations have made Seoul look like a winter wonderland.

I am looking forward to getting back to Sydney and even caught myself today saying I was looking forward to getting home... -kel

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